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Monday, February 2, 2009

Sri Ramakrishna Story

Sri Ramakrishna was born on 1836; his parents had dreams that the Lord himself would incarnate as the child inside the mother's womb. Sri Ramakrishna possessed not only a great intellect and an artistic mind, but had the additional qualification that he had seen God face to face; talked with him and shared the Divine life. Sri Ramakrishna had the strange capacity to make himself interesting and intelligible to people of diverse temperaments and stages of intellectual developments.

Sri Ramakrishna preached no particular dogma, creed or philosophy, but taught more by his life than by words. Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the prophet of the harmony of religions "Yam Brahma Vishnu girishascha Deva, dhyayanti gaayanti naamanti nithyamTyai prarthitastasya paraavataaro Dwibaahudhaari bhuvi ramakrishna""My dear brother, that Ramakrishna was God Incarnate, I have not the least doubt. Sri Ramakrishna is now regarded as the Prophet of the Modern Age by a large number of people in different parts of the world.

Sri Ramakrishna reestablished this ancient ideal through his life and teaching, and rediscovered forgotten spiritual paths and revalidated the authenticity and practicability of the spiritual traditions of India.

Sri Ramakrishna's birth is the Lingodbhava manifestation of Siva in thisage. Sri Ramakrishna does not appear to have engaged himself in any special sadhana with a view to realise Siva, though he performed sadhana to realise deities like Kali, Rama and Krishna.

In his ecstatic mood (Bhavasamadhi) Ramakrishna transcended his normal consciousness and was feeling identified with the grass when a man happened to walk across over the grass. Sri Ramakrishna, well-known as the `Paramahamsa', is the brightest star that rose on the spiritual firmament of the India of the nineteenthcentury. Sri Ramakrishna Paramhansa thought that dog being a reflection of god (reverse the spelling of god and you would understand better) would not be able to digest the dry chapattis.

Sri Ramakrishna wanted to see whether these different paths lead to the same realisation of truth as he had obtained by meditating on his beloved Mother Kali. Sri Ramakrishna's attention then turned to Islam and Christianity, the two religions that were making inroads into the Indian population at the time. Sri Ramakrishna saw all women as emanations of the Divine Mother herself, and his wife in particular he treated with this attitude.

His very readable English translation of the Ramakrishna kathamrrita will enable the Western readers to understand the deep spiritual life of Sri Ramakrishna and the homely way in which profound truths are conveyed to ordinary mortals, and I hope that the book will have a wide publicity.

Please note: A this blog has been dedicated to disciples,devotees and associates of Sri Ramakrishna. Thus, religion for Sri Ramakrishna is not mere subservience to certain social customs and external observances but a process of inner growth known as spiritual development, which enables man to overcome his limitations, solve the problems of life, and attain supreme fulfillment and immortally. If it was true that the young boy Gadadhar was continuously in samadhi for three days from that Sivaratri night, it means that he regained normal consciousness only on his own birthday, which is now celebrated by devotees as Sri Ramakrishna Jayanti. As a child, Sri Ramakrishna showed wonderful qualities of purity and love.


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