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Friday, February 1, 2019

Ramakrishna Ashram Penang

The Ramakrishna Ashram, Penang established on 10th of November, 1938. Initial activities involved lectures on spiritual values and Geetha classes to the public. Eventually the Sri Ramakrishna Ashram evolved to what it is today. The Sri Ramakrishna Ashram today is a hub bustling with activities such as kindergarten, school, recreation, computer classes, tutorials, cultural activities, medical camps, picnics, prayer, meditation, yoga, assimilation of spiritual teaching in daily life, and etc. Ramakrishna Ashram in addition to accommodating, advocating and attending to orphaned children, is an establishment that allows for spiritual education that accentuate the most eminent paragons in us.

Who is Sri Ramakrishna

Sri Ramakrishna was an Indian mystic, whose religious beliefs are based on spirituality and practices outside of traditional religion. Ramakrishna disliked going to school, and was not interested in the pursuit of money. He was born in a poor family and his parents were hardly able to make both ends meet. Ramakrishna developed intense devotion to Mother Kali and spent hours in loving adoration of her image, forgetting the rituals of priestly duties.

Ramakrishna Math, and Ramakrishna Mission are twin organizations which form the core of a worldwide spiritual movement (known as Sri Ramakrishna Movement or Vedanta Movement), which aims at the harmony of religions, harmony of the East and the West, harmony of the ancient and the modern, spiritual fulfillment, all-round development of human faculties, social equality, and peace for all humanity, without any distinctions of creed, caste, race or nationality. Sri Ramakrishna taught no creed or dogma.

Sri Ramakrishna saw the Divine in his wife, in his disciples, in others, even in fallen women, and treated them all with respect. Drawn by the magnetism of Sri Ramakrishna's divine personality, people flocked to him from far and near -- men and women, young and old, philosophers and theologians, philanthropists and humanists, atheists and agnostics, Hindus and Brahmos, Christians and Muslims, seekers of truth of all races, creeds and castes.

At a time when the very foundation of religion, faith in God, was crumbling under the relentless blows of materialism and skepticism, Sri Ramakrishna, through his burning spiritual realizations, demonstrated beyond doubt the reality of God, and the validity of the time-honored teachings of all the prophets and saviors of the past, and thus restored the falling edifice of religion on a secure foundation.

Ramakrishna said that God could be reached by all religions but at the same time God could not be confined by any religion. Sri Ramakrishna, also known as Paramahamsa taught ceaselessly for fifteen years the basic truths of religion through parables, metaphors, songs and by his own life. Sri Ramakrishna faithfully practiced the spiritual disciplines of different religions and came to the realization that all of them lead to the same goal. Sri Ramakrishna st

Ramakrishna emphasised that God-realisation is the supreme goal of all living beings. God dwells in all people but the manifestation of this inner Divinity varies from person to person. God can be reached by different religions. God is everywhere but he is most manifest in man. God is born on earth as man in every age. God Himself has become the twenty-four cosmic principles. God can be reached by different paths. Religions are like so-many paths leading to the same goal. Sri Ramakrishna lived on earth for 50 years between 1836 and 1886.


Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Village girls carrying so many pots of water on their heads

How are we to know God? Ramakrishna teaches that by constantly trying to remember Him, we go nearer to God. How is this possible, when we have so many things to do in the world ?

Ramakrishna gave this example: ‘Well, haven’t you seen village girls carrying so many pots of water on their heads and returning home? They chat and giggle all their way. They talk about their family affairs, gossip about their neighbours, but their attention is all the time on the jars. They see that these do not fall off their heads. Similarly, one who wants God should always keep his mind on Him.’

Many are the tales and parables which Ramakrishna used, to make his teachings interesting and clear. You will surely enjoy reading them.



It was 1882. The number of devotees coming to Ramakrishna had increased. There were young and old, men and women.

One of those who came to the Master at this time was the headmaster Mahendranath Gupta. He is known as ‘M’, the author of the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. It is mainly due to him that we have the wonderful record of Ramakrishna’s teachings.

After his first visit, Mahendranath made it a regular practice to visit Dakshineswar, mostly on Sundays. He was of a quiet nature. He would sit and hear the Master talk to the assembled devotees, taking mental note of everything. Sometimes he would keep memory slips. And when he went home, he would write down all that he had heard and seen. This is how the great book called the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna came to be written.

Much of Ramakrishna’s teaching was given through beautiful stories and homely illustrations. We shall mention one or two here.

He taught that God can be seen and talked to. All religions are true. They are like so many paths leading to the same goal. The goal is to see God. But people quarrel, because they are ignorant about the true nature of God. At most, they see only one aspect of God and assert that alone as true. And how they quarrel about it!

Ramakrishna told this story: Once some blind men were moving along the street. They learnt there was a big animal standing there. ‘What’s that ?’ one of them asked a passer-by. ‘The temple elephant’ replied the man, and went away.

One of the blind men said to his companions, ‘Come, let’s see what the elephant is like.’ One touched its leg and remarked, ‘Oh, I see, an elephant is like a pillar.’ Another touched the elephant’s ear. ‘No, no,’ he shouted, ‘it is like a winnowing fan.’ ‘What idiots you people are,’ exclaimed a third; ‘it’s like a big python.’ He had touched its trunk. ‘You people have got it all wrong’ cried the fourth blind man; ‘it’s like a big drum.’ He had touched the elephant’s belly.

Ramakrishna explained that he who has seen only one aspect of God talks like these blind men. They say that only that part which they have known is true. But, really speaking, God is infinite. No one can describe Him fully.


Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Osho on Ramakrishna Enlightenment

Osho -There is an episode in Ramakrishna’s life.... For his whole life he had been worshipping Mother Kali, But at the very end he began to feel,” It is duality; the experience of oneness has still not happened. It is lovely, delightful, but two still remains two.” Someone loves a woman, someone loves money, someone politics; he loved Ma Kali – but love still was divided in two. Still the ultimate nonduality hadn’t happened and he was in anguish. He began looking out for a nondualist, a Vedantist – for Some person to come who could show him the path.

A Paramahansa named Totapuri was passing. Ramakrishna invited him to stop with him and asked, ”Help me to have darshan of the one.”

Totapuri said, ”What’s difficult in that? You believe there are two, so there are two. Drop the belief!” Ramakrishna replied, ”But dropping this belief is very difficult – I have lived with it my whole life. When I close my eyes the image of Kali is standing there. I drown in that nectar. I forget that I am to become one; as soon as I close my eyes there are two. When I try to meditate, it becomes dual. Help me out of this!”

So Totapuri said, ”Try this: when the image of Kali is before you, pick up a sword and cut her in two.” Ramakrishna said, ”Where will I find a sword?”

What Totapuri said is the same as what is said in Ashtavakra’s sutra*. Totapuri said, ”From where did you bring this Kali image? – bring a sword from the same place. She too is imaginary. She too is an embellishment of your imagination. Through nurturing it for your whole life, through continuously projecting it for your whole life, it has become crystalized. It is just imagination. Not everyone sees Kali when they close their eyes.”

After years of effort a Christian closes his eyes, and Christ comes to him. A devotee of Krishna closes his eyes and Krishna comes to him. A lover of Buddha closes his eyes and Buddha comes to him. A lover of Mahavira closes his eyes and Mahavira comes to him. Christ doesn’t come to a Jaina, Mahavira doesn’t come to a Christian: only the image you project will come. Ramakrishna’s effort was with Kali, and the image became almost solid. It became so real from constant repetition, from continuous remembering, that it seemed Kali was standing in from of him. No one was standing there.

Consciousness is alone. There is no second here, no other.
”Just close your eyes,” Totapuri said, ”raise the sword and strike.”
Ramakrishna closed his eyes, but as soon as he closed them his courage vanished. Raising his sword to strike Kali! – the devotee has to raise his sword and strike God – it was too hard. To renounce the world is very easy. What is worth holding onto in the world? But when you have established an image deep in the mind, when you have created poetry in the mind, when the mind’s dream has become manifest, then it is very difficult to renounce it. The world is like a nightmare. A dream of devotion, a dream of feeling is not a nightmare, it is a very sweet dream. How to drop it? how to break it?

Tears would start flowing from his eyes and he became ecstatic... his body would begin shaking. But he didn’t raise his sword – he would completely forget about it. Finally Totapuri said, ”I’ve wasted many days here. It’s no good. Either you do it or I’m going to leave. Don’t waste my time. Enough of this nonsense now!” That day Totapuri brought a piece of glass with him, and he said, ”When you begin to be absorbed in delight, I will cut your forehead with this piece of glass. When I cut your forehead, inside gather courage, raise your sword and cut Kali in two. This is the last chance – I am not staying any longer.”

Totapuri’s threat of leaving... and it is difficult to find such a master. Totapuri must have been a man like Ashtavakra. Ramakrishna closed his eyes and Kali’s image appeared to him. He was about to bliss out – tears were ready to flow from his eyes, overwhelmed, joy was coming – he was about to become ecstatic when Totapuri held his forehead and, where the third eye chakra is, made a cut from top to bottom with the piece of glass. Blood began to stream from the cut, and this time

Ramakrishna found courage. He raised the sword and cut Kali in two pieces. When Kali fell apart he became nondual: the wave dissolved in the ocean, the river fell into the ocean. It is said that he stayed immersed for six days in this ultimate silence. He was neither hungry nor thirsty – there was no consciousness of the outside, no awareness. All was forgotten. And when he opened his eyes six days later, the first thing he said was, ”The last barrier has fallen!”


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Cheque presentation for the purchase of Urvan (microbus)to The Ramakrishna Ashrama Penang by YB Jagdeep Singh Deo on 22.9.2010.

Free Medical Camp Photos - 18/7/2010

Monday, July 27, 2009

Blood Donation Drive

20.07.09 Blood Donation Drive at Bukit Jambul